GOCE auxiliary data
Oceanic tide model
F. Lyard, F. Lefevre, T. Letellier, O. Francis (2006). Modelling the global ocean tides: modern insights from FES2004. Ocean Dynamics, 56(5-6): 394-415
GEMMA auxiliary data
Digital elevation model
T.G. Farr, P.A. Rosen, E. Caro, R. Crippen, R. Duren, S. Hensley, M. Kobrick, M. Paller, E. Rodriguez, L. Roth, D. Seal, S. Shaffer, J. Shimada, J. Umland, M. Werner, M. Oskin, D. Burbank, D. Alsdorf (2007). The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Reviews of Geophysics, 45:RG2004
Sediments model
G. Laske, G. Masters (1997). A Global Digital Map of Sediment Thickness, EOS Transactions AGU, 78:F483
Continental crust density model
N.I. Christensen, W.D. Mooney (1995). Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: A global view. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(B7):9761?9788
Oceanic crust density model
R.L. Carlson, G.S. Raskin (1984). Density of the ocean crust. Nature, 311:555-558
Upper mantle density model
N.A. Simmons, A.M. Forte, L. Boschi, S.P. Grand (2010). GyPSuM: A joint tomographic model of mantle density and seismic wave speeds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115:B12310